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Leading a Student Organization:
Principal Members

Principal Members (PMs) of registered student organizations at UC San Diego should know the following information and agree to the 2024-2025 Principal Member Agreement:

  • To register a student organization, the University requires at least 3 registered UC San Diego students to serve as Principal Members. Your student organization may choose to have up to 8 Principal Members.
  • Your Principal Members determine your type of group. Your group is considered:
    • An undergraduate organization and eligible for Associated Students funding if 100% of the principal members are undergraduates.
    • A graduate organization and eligible for Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) funding if 50% or more of the principal members are graduate students.
    • A combined organization if at least 1 but fewer than 50% of the principal members are graduate students. Combined student organizations are eligible for Associated Students funding, but not eligible for GPSA funding.


  • Organizations must update their registration information when a Principal Member changes, or when the address or phone number of any Principal Member changes. This can be done by logging into the student organization registration portal.
  • Only registered Principal Members may conduct official business with the University, including submitting events through TAP, reserving facilities, accessing budget numbers, and spending student organization funds.
  • Principal Members assume full responsibility for obtaining applicable event liability waivers from event participants.
  • Principal Members assume full responsibility for the student organization's financial status, actions, and programs.
  • Each Principal Member accepts individual and joint responsibility for the administration and use of any and all funds, in compliance with all applicable UC San Diego policies. This includes any and all funding requests submitted by any Principal Member on behalf of the registered student organization.
  • Principal Members must understand that student organizations may not be used as a conduit for personal financial gain or for the establishment of personal business.
  • A Principal Member Agreement pertaining to compliance with UC and UC San Diego policies that apply to campus activities, organizations and students must be reviewed and signed by each Principal Member.


CSI advisors are available to help student organizations virtually! Reach out to your advisor to schedule an appointment.

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CSI: Student Orgs & Events

Have a Student Organization Related Question and Need a Quick Answer? 
Your student organization advisors & the SILCs are here to help!

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Drop-in Advising Weeks 1-10 Each Quarter 

Virtual Advising - Zoom Room for virtual advising: (Meeting ID: 975 1996 7026)

  • Mondays 9am-12pm (virtual)
  • Tuesdays 1-4pm (in-person)*
  • Wednesdays 1pm-4pm (virtual)
  • Thursdays 1pm-4pm (virtual)

*Tuesdays are the only in-person advising day

In-Person Advising* - Check-in at the CSI Front Desk, Price Center East, level 3 (map

  • Tuesdays 1-4pm

Visit the CSI Front Desk:

Price Center East, level 3 (map) | 858-534-1744 | 

Virtual Assistance from SILCs

Zoom Room for virtual advising: (Meeting ID: 975 1996 7026)

  • Dates & times coming soon

In-Person Assistance from SILCs*

Located on Price Center East, level 3 (map) | 858-534-1744

  • Dates & times coming soon

Interested in making a reservation for a University Centers space? Check out their website for more information: University Centers Reservations

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