The 2020-25 Sorority and Fraternity Strategic Plan is a result of collaboration between students, campus partners, administrators, advisors and faculty with the common goal of capitalizing on our strengths and reimagining the sorority and fraternity experience at UC San Diego in bold, fresh, innovative ways.
The SFL Strategic Plan Steering Committee includes student leaders from MGC, CPA, IFC, NPHC, and EDI Peer Ambassadors, SFL Advisors & Program Managers, the Associate Director of SFL, the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, and the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Life. The committee combined suggestions included in the 2020 SFL External Review Report with additional feedback and ideas from hundreds of stakeholders to identify the key priorities found in this plan. Many thanks to all who contributed their energy, time, and ideas to this effort.
This Plan is a living document and will be reviewed and updated annually. The objectives have been distributed across the 5 year timeframe to allow for thoughtful, focused attention on each initiative. However, the SFL team will continue advancing key priorities on an ongoing basis. Additionally, we expect the objectives to morph as annual revisions are made and new needs are identified. We look forward to sharing annual reports as the plan continues to evolve.
The 5 year strategic plan serves as a roadmap for advancing a community oriented and leadership focused member experience. We look forward to ongoing partnerships in support of a thriving sorority and fraternity community.
Objective A: Review the SFL EDI Peer Ambassador Program and its impact on member achievement of key learning outcomes.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Contribute to the field by facilitating presentations about the EDI Peer Ambassador program at regional or national conferences
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Assess current program structure and logistics and make changes as necessary (e.g. explore holding workshops with multiple chapters)
- Assess current peer training to enhance presentation, facilitation, and engagement skills
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Refine quarterly EDI workshop curriculum by gathering student feedback, aligning with VC EDI goals, expanding campus partnerships, and exploring opportunities to offer council specific topics
- Expand content related to bystander intervention strategies, opportunities for individual student action plans, and takeaway chapter discussion prompts for follow-up discussions facilitated by chapter leaders
- Explore current assessment methods to demonstrate student learning and community impact
Year 4: 2023 - 24
- Expand visibility and opportunities for EDI peers to serve as an ongoing community resource beyond chapter presentations (e.g. newsletters, quarterly events and programs, community projects)
Year 5: 2024 - 25
- Complete annual review of program budget and resources to meet demands of new EDI Peer Ambassador initiatives
Objective B: Assess and review SFL EDI educational programming and initiatives to enhance student learning and commitment.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Each governing Council will institutionalize proactive EDI positions, committees, policies and practices within their governing structures
- Expand annual education to all councils on the history and purpose of MGC and NPHC organizations and identify opportunities for cross-council support and collaboration
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Develop a common set of EDI learning goals for all students in SFL and infuse throughout programming
- Review all educational programming and initiatives to ensure an equity-minded and anti-racist framework is incorporated throughout
- Identify ongoing EDI educational and professional development opportunities for SFL staff
- Explore the creation of EDI and anti-racist resources available for all chapter leaders to utilize in their own programming
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Develop takeaway prompts and questions for chapter leaders to continue discussion of workshop topics in their chapters
Objective C: Develop and implement a plan to increase the number of National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) historically Black sorority and fraternity members and organizations.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Reduce the number of principal members required for student organization registration from 4 to 3 to support small chapters, provide additional support for cultural groups, and encourage expansion of NPHC Historically Black sororities and fraternities on campus
- Create NPHC visibility on the CSI/SFL website to highlight organization contact information and student testimonials of the NPHC experience
- Create an NPHC category for registered student organizations and identify criteria
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Identify SFL advising model that supports unique needs of city-wide organizations
- Create a comprehensive contact list for current UC San Diego student members of city-wide NPHC chapters
- Identify a list of NPHC alumni & UC San Diego staff and provide opportunities to engage in recruitment and community building efforts
- Institute Growth and Development Plans to assist chapters that fall below a minimum number of members
- Provide additional opportunities for NPHC organization visibility and integration in all SFL operations through strategic outreach and involvement by SFL, councils, and individual chapters
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Increase the number of active NPHC organizations and register at least three groups
- Create a registered NPHC Council with members of NPHC organizations
Objective D: Expand efforts to increase access and inclusion in SFL.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Conduct annual review of SFL demographic data to assess the degree to which SFL is reflective of the campus population and identify areas of opportunity
- Expand ongoing training on recruitment practices that promote chapter inclusion and diversity
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Benchmark best practices in advising and supporting MGC organizations with campuses that have strong MGC communities
- Increase visibility of SFL to prospective new members, their parents and families (e.g. parent information sessions and partnerships with admissions)
- Promote and collaborate on larger University driven EDI efforts (e.g. HSI initiative, Partner with Admissions and SFL alumni to highlight opportunities for MGC and NPHC affiliation for prospective students)
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Identify strategies to promote financial inclusion that allows accessibility to the SFL experience for students from all financial backgrounds (e.g. explore partnership with Alumni and Advancement and Financial Aid to award scholarships and gap funding)
- Support council driven efforts to explore budget, programming costs, scholarships to minimize financial barriers, and member financial education
- Provide website page of all financial opportunities available to the SFL community
Objective A: Expand campus partnerships and collaborations to strengthen the network of support for SFL organizations and members.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Create an ongoing workgroup with campus partners (OPHD, OSC, & CARE @ SARC) related to SFL issues management to strengthen communication, prevention education and response
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Launch SFL workgroup on the Member Experience, Inclusion, and Campus Life and the workgroup on Education, Safety, and Well-Being to strengthen campuswide partnerships and explore new initiatives to support the SFL community
- Evaluate and expand opportunities to build stronger collaboration and connections between students and campus partners (CARE @ SARC, OSC, OPHD, HPS, and CAPS) during non-crisis times
- Clearly outline required training, purpose, connection to SFL values, and participation requirements on the SFL website
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Identify opportunities for ongoing relationship building with senior administrators and faculty
Year 4: 2023 - 24
Year 5: 2024 - 25
Objective B: Increase internal and external communication to share information and expand engagement with potential new members, current members, alumni, and the campus community.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Launch Community Performance Reports to provide a snapshot of key chapter information on the SFL website for prospective members, advising and goal setting, and community accountability. Performance Reports will include information about membership, grades, conduct, community service and philanthropy efforts, participation in training, campus involvement, REACH Standards of Excellence achievements, and chapter and individual student awards
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Develop a quarterly SFL newsletter to share highlights and information with members, community advisors, campus partners, and administrators
- Expand reporting on the Office of Student Conduct website to include records of Notices of Informal Warning and cease and desist orders issued to student organizations in addition to organizations found responsible for violations of the University Standards of Conduct
- Increase marketing of Community Performance Report to students, administrators, potential new members, and parents
- Expand opportunities to highlight academic achievements of SFL members
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Identify additional avenues to recognize and highlight SFL outcomes, achievements and contributions to campus life. Champion the integral role of SFL in the overall student life experience, member development, and retention and success (e.g. newsletters and student and alumni spotlights)
Objective C: Provide opportunities for cross-council collaboration, community building and joint initiatives.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Pilot council initiated cross-council president’s roundtables to include all councils
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Review all council-sponsored community-wide programming to ensure that it incorporates the needs, interests, and experiences of all councils (e.g. Summerfest, SFL Awards, SFL Pride, SFL Week)
- Review all cross-council committees to refine purpose, identify gaps, and expand member involvement
- Expand cross council marketing for each other’s recruitment and intake processes
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Provide additional opportunities to build relationships between councils and chapters, and underscore the benefits of cross-council collaboration for community building (e.g. mixers, intramural leagues, roundtables)
- Host a cross-council initiated conversation on inclusion of MGC & NPHC organizations in CPA & IFC philanthropies to identify tangible ways to adapt traditional philanthropy structures to involve smaller organizations with financial constraints
Objective A: Identify additional strategies for ongoing feedback and assessment of SFL member experiences.
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- In addition to program assessments, develop a survey plan for SFL membership experience and opportunities for annual community advisor feedback (e.g. annual survey, focus groups, presidents rountables, advisor meetings, PM Satisfaction Survey). Utilize the information to continue refining the 5-year Strategic Plan
Objective B: Enhance SFL campus engagement to expand opportunities for campus leadership, community building, and Triton pride.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Expand SFL integration into campus life through leadership opportunities on campus committees and governing councils (e.g. UCAB)
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Continue expanding SFL integration into campus life through leadership opportunities on campus committees and governing councils (e.g. Homecoming Committee, VCSA Committees, AS Committees, Basic Needs, New Student and Transfer Orientation, Welcome Week)
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Highlight SFL organizations and their accomplishments through campus media platforms and newsletters
- Explore opportunities to showcase SFL organization traditions at campus events (e.g. Stepping, Strolling, and Saluting)
Year 4: 2023 - 24
- Identify opportunities to expand SFL visibility to prospective students and families at Triton Day, Transfer Triton Day, virtual Triton Talks, and Alumni Weekend.
- Expand collaborations between SFL councils and campus partners to support Triton pride and traditions (e.g. partnerships with Athletics and Triton Athletics Council)
Year 5: 2024 - 25
- Explore opportunities for SFL Alumni engagement through alumni affinity groups, homecoming events, and volunteer opportunities
Objective C: Broaden opportunities for student development through leadership and civic engagement initiatives.
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Expand council leadership and civic engagement initiatives for new members
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Identify leadership development opportunities for general members and explore the possibility of CCR credit
- Council review of philanthropy activities to ensure consistency with national standards and values-based practices
- Review all requirements in the quarterly REACH Standards of Excellence program to ensure alignment with SFL priorities and goals
Year 4: 2023 - 24
- Explore possible campus and/or council funding options for student attendance at conferences and leadership trainings
Objective D: Expand resources for member retention and academic success.
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Explore the feasibility of gathering and reporting SFL community-wide student retention, majors, and graduation information, SFL-specific UCUES data, and other community-wide data sources
- Expand council and chapter initiatives to support member academic success
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Identify additional campus partnerships to support member and chapter academic success (e.g. SRS, academic advising)
- Create a website for campus academic resources
Year 4: 2023 - 24
- Track and report percentage of potential new members that become active members as part of the Community Performance Report
Year 5: 2024 - 25
- Explore opportunities to increase faculty engagement with organizations
Objective A: Expand chapter advisor training and resources to enhance support for organizations and their members.
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Review current quarterly meeting and training topics (Clery Reporting, CARE @ SARC, mental health - Supporting Students in Distress, etc.) and survey chapter advisors to identify additional training topics
- Review and update institutional expectations and protocols for volunteer chapter advisors
- Expand quarterly chapter advisors email updates with community and campus information
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Develop a quarterly orientation or onboarding process for new chapter advisors to familiarize them with SFL staff and UC San Diego resources, protocols, and expectations
Objective B: Increase SFL staffing, resources, and funding to provide adequate support to the growing SFL community.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Identify permanent funding for additional staffing in SFL at a management level, to support key SFL initiatives and provide additional support to culturally-based MGC and NPHC members and organizations
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Conduct annual review of financial needs and available resources for SFL programs and services
Objective A: Review and enhance risk management resources and education.
Year 1: 2020 - 21
- Expand student leader relationships with campus resources to enhance collaboration, understanding resources, and procedures prior to events and in response to issues that arise (e.g. UCPD, OSC, OPHD, CARE @ SARC)
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Promote NIC Alcohol and Drug Guidelines and other national standards for risk reduction practices, and include on the SFL Statement of Expectations and website resources
- Enhance risk management education for general members and chapter leaders through additional interactive workshops and resources (e.g. overconsumption of alcohol and other drugs through HPS, MAP, Health Promotions Services TIPS training, SFL pledge, SFL 101, Statement of Expectations)
- Develop a member-specific Statement of Expectations signed electronically to ensure that all members have reviewed risk management plans from their national organizations, hazing policy, MAP, BIT model, and other campus policies and resources
- Expand partnership with CARE @ SARC to enhance SVSH education and support
- Launch UC San Diego’s participation in a national 3-year Hazing Prevention Consortium to holistically address hazing behavior in SFL, student organizations, athletics, sports clubs, band, and other student groups. Build and co-lead campus- wide coalition and conduct a campus culture and hazing climate assessment
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Expand Hazing Prevention Consortium membership to build capacity and pilot evidence-informed hazing prevention strategies.
Year 4: 2023 - 24
- Implement and evaluate core hazing prevention strategies developed as a part of UC San Diego’s participation in the national Hazing Prevention Consortium. Collect and analyze evaluation data and plan for sustainable prevention work
Objective B: Provide opportunities to support personal development and holistic well-being.
Year 2: 2021 - 22
- Survey students or hold focus groups to identify training topics related to personal development and holistic wellbeing (project for SFL workgroup on Health, Safety and Wellbeing)
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- Develop educational learning outcomes for each stage of a SFL member’s experience (new member, general member, leadership)
- Pilot a wellbeing initiative for SFL members (e.g. mental health, sexual health, healthy habits)
- Review current educational and prevention trainings, chapter participation, and achievement of learning outcomes and make recommendations for training timelines, format and content based on the SFL learning outcomes four-year plan
Objective C: Provide additional information and training to support chapter and council accountability procedures.
Year 3: 2022 - 23
- In consultation with the Office of Student Conduct, OPHD, CARE@SARC, and Student Legal Services, provide training on best practices in chapter and council judicial processes and due-process
Thank you to the Strategic Plan Steering Committee for all their work and dedication in creating the plan. Each year, a new steering committee will review the plan and make recommendations for updates as needed.
- Dr. Emily Task, Co-Chair, Executive Director, Center for Student Involvement
- Oscar Lara, Co-Chair, Associate Director, Sorority & Fraternity Life
- Chloe Leal, Sorority & Fraternity Life Advisor and Program Manager
- Kalyna White, College Panhellenic Association President, Pi Beta Phi
- Kelley Kozlowski, Interim Sorority & Fraternity Life Advisor and Program Manager
- Naomy Espinosa Perez, SFL Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Peer Lead, Phi lambda Rho Sorority, Inc.
- Nicholas Ericson, Interfraternity Council President, Sigma Phi Epsilon
- Dr. Patty Mahaffey, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Life
- Rachel Cage, National Pan-Hellenic Council Representative, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
- Sharai Barrera, Multicultural Greek Council President, Lambda Theta Alpha Sorority, Inc.
- Dr. Emily Task, Co-Chair, Executive Director, Center for Student Involvement
- Oscar Lara, Co-Chair, Associate Director, Sorority & Fraternity Life
- Chloe Leal, Sorority & Fraternity Life Advisor and Program Manager
- Cristian McGough, Special Projects Coordinator, Center for Student Involvement
- Gage Bazinet, Interfraternity Council Representative, Pi Kappa Phi President
- Jose Garcia, Multicultural Greek Council President, Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
- Naomy Espinosa Perez, SFL Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Peer Lead, Phi lambda Rho Sorority, Inc.
- Dr. Patty Mahaffey, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Life
- Rachel Cage, National Pan-Hellenic Council Representative, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
- Shruti Vakharia, College Panhellenic Association Representative, Alpha Epsilon Phi