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Vendor Fair

Spring 2025

The UC San Diego Spring 2025 Vendor Fair is scheduled for April 21st - April 25th, 2025.


Vendor Fair

General Information

The UC San Diego Vendor Fair is a tri-annual on-campus event open to local vendors selling various merchandise. Located in the middle of campus on Library Walk, our fair attracts hundreds of students daily giving them the opportunity to support and learn about local businesses. The fair showcases a variety of items including clothing, jewelry, phone accessories, beauty and body products, sunglasses, and much more! All new vendors who participate in the vendor fair must sell non-food merchandise.

Important Dates and Information

  • The Vendor Fair is typically held once each quarter, during Week 4.
  • The 2024-2025 schedule is as follows:
    1. Fall 2024 Quarter: October 21st - October 25th, 2024
    2. Winter 2025 Quarter: January 27th – January 31st, 2025
    3. Spring 2025 Quarter: April 21st - 25th, 2025
  • Applying for the Fair
    • Complete the application in its entirety, including signing where applicable
    • Submit payment online
    • Provide both your valid and current CA Seller’s Permit and Certificate of Liability Insurance (see below for details)
    • Mailing Address:
Center for Student Involvement | UC San Diego
Attention: CSI Vendor Fair
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0078 
La Jolla, CA 92093-0078
    • Please note above address is a mailing address not a shipping address

Selection Criteria

The Center for Student Involvement encourages local businesses and vendors to apply to participate in this year's Vendor Fairs. All vendors who participate in the vendor fair must sell non-food merchandise.

A variety of space sizes are available, but selection of vendors is competitive. Applications will be accepted, reviewed, and vendors selected at the sole discretion of the Center for Student Involvement. Vendors will be chosen based on the following criteria, but not limited to:

  • Desirability of the items or product
  • Originality of the items or product
  • Past performance during previous Vendor Fairs
  • Price point of items
  • Number of vendors selling similar items
  • Student feedback
  • Timeliness of application

California Seller's Permit and Liability Insurance Requirements

California Seller’s Permit

All Vendors must hold and submit a copy of their California Seller’s Permit to be accepted to the fair. Your application will not be complete and accepted till the permit is submitted. The California Seller’s Permit must be included with each application, even if you have participated in the Fair previously.

Liability Insurance

All vendors must hold Tenant User Event Liability Insurance or overall Liability Insurance. If you currently have such insurance, please be sure to review your current policy to ensure that it matches the requirement for Tenant User Event Liability Insurance that is required by the University. To review all the minimum insurance requirements for contractors/external vendors, please review the UC Office of the President’s liability coverage website.

If you do not already have insurance or are unable to obtain the required insurance from your own provider, Mercer is an alternative option. Please visit the UCSD Mercer website for your insurance needs. Go to “Liability Application” and complete the information as requested once clicking on the link. You are considered a “Exhibitor/Vendor” at a “Exhibitor/Vendor” event, taking place on Library Walk, with no alcohol or Garagekeeper needed.

The University requires a minimum of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $2,000,000.00 aggregate for comprehensive general liability and property damage covering activities for general use of University Properties. The University requires auto liability in the amount of $1,000,000 covering any vehicles brought to campus and worker’s compensation coverage meeting statutory limits. Again, please review all the minimum insurance requirements for contractors/ external vendors here.

The University shall be furnished with a Certificate of Insurance naming THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA as ADDITIONAL INSURED.

Please include on your insurance and Certificate Holder Information exactly as shown below:

The Regents of the University of California
Center for Student Involvement
9500 Gilman Drive, 0078 
La Jolla, CA 92093-0078

Additional remarks box above the Certificate Holder must include: The Regents of the University of California is named as additional insured.

Directions and Parking

Note: See important parking permit information on the application.

Directions and Parking

Directions to Drive up to the Unloading/Loading Zone via Mandeville Lane
  • Exit La Jolla Village Drive and go West
  • Turn right onto Villa La Jolla Drive
  • Turn left onto Gilman Drive
  • Turn right onto Mandeville Lane
  • Before the Mandeville Lane loop turn right onto Lyman Avenue
  • This unloading/loading zone is available between the hours of 6:00 - 9:00am and 5:00 - 7:00pm

Direction to Drive up to the Unloading/Loading Zone on Lyman Lane and Direct Access to Library Walk

  • Exit La Jolla Village Drive and go West
  • Turn right onto Villa La Jolla Drive
  • Turn left onto Gilman Drive
  • Turn immediately right onto Russell Lane
  • At the very end of Russell Lane, turn left onto Lyman Lane
  • You will be able to drive your car to the edge of Library Walk directly next to the UCSD Bookstore between the hours of 6:00-9:00am and 5:00-7:00pm
  • You will be able to drive your directly onto Library Walk between the hours of 6:00-7:00am and 6:00-7:00pm


A permit is required to park anywhere on the UC San Diego campus. Discounted permits are available for purchase as part of the fee fee schedule portion of the application. Please see the application for additional important information regarding parking and purchasing parking permits.

Parking Is Impacted Due to Extensive Construction

Ongoing construction of buildings and a variety of regional transportation projects continue to impact parking on campus. Find out how current construction projects affect nearby parking and see parking options on the Transportation Services website.

Gilman Parking structure will fill up before 7:15 a.m. It is recommended to park in the alternative parking option of the Hopkins Parking Structure, which is less than a 10-minute walk to Library Walk.

Mailing List

If you'd like to be added to the Center for Student Involvement vendor mailing list, fill out the UC San Diego Vendor Interest Form.

Questions? Email