High Profile Student Organization Programs
A high profile student organization program or event is one which has the potential to generate opposition, such as a protest, that may disrupt the program and present the need for arrangements to ensure the program occurs without disruption and, if needed, arrangements to protect university property and the safety of the presenter and attendees.
Read through Free Speech: How to Express Your Message if You Disagree.
Follow these guidelines when you're presenting a high profile program:
Meet with your student organizations advisor at least three weeks in advance to discuss the following:
Type and length of presentation
Whether to hold a question-and-answer session, and for how long
Role of sponsor in conducting program
Security needed in the event of disruption
Consequences of holding the event
Program presenters are highly encouraged to announce the responsibilities and expectations of the sponsor, guests, and university officials at the beginning of the program.
Provide opportunity for those who don't agree with the format to leave before the presentation begins.
Publicity should also include relevant information about the potentially controversial nature of the program.
A demarcated area may be needed to ensure audience and speaker safety.
Report promptly to university officials any behavior that disrupts or obstructs the presentation, or if an audience member enters the speaker area without the speaker's or moderator's permission.
Read about free speech and appropriate ways for audience members to protest or express disagreement.
Be sure to comply with all applicable university policies as well as local, state, and federal regulations.
CSI: Student Orgs & Events
Have a Student Organization Related Question and Need a Quick Answer?
Your student organization advisors & the SILCs are here to help!CSI Student Organization Advisors
Your student organization advisors & the SILCs are here to help!
CSI Student Organization Advisors
Drop-in Advising Weeks 1-10 Each Quarter
Virtual Advising - Zoom Room for virtual advising:https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/97519967026 (Meeting ID: 975 1996 7026)
- Mondays 9am-12pm (virtual)
- Tuesdays 1-4pm (in-person)*
- Wednesdays 1pm-4pm (virtual)
- Thursdays 1pm-4pm (virtual)
*Tuesdays are the only in-person advising day
In-Person Advising* - Check-in at the CSI Front Desk, Price Center East, level 3 (map)
- Tuesdays 1-4pm
Visit the CSI Front Desk:
Price Center East, level 3 (map) | 858-534-1744 | csifrontdesk@ucsd.edu
Virtual Assistance from SILCs
Zoom Room for virtual advising: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/97519967026 (Meeting ID: 975 1996 7026)
- Dates & times coming soon
In-Person Assistance from SILCs*
Located on Price Center East, level 3 (map) | 858-534-1744
- Dates & times coming soon
Interested in making a reservation for a University Centers space? Check out their website for more information: University Centers Reservations
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