Event Planning: Tech, Sound and Setup
For Price Center and other program locations
If you have audiovisual or tech needs (sound, stage, lighting, etc.) for an event taking place in the Price Center or other campus program location, get a written estimate from Tech Services (level 3, Price Center East) before entering it in TAP.
Acoustic or amplified sound in any of the Price Center conference rooms requires advance written approval from a Technical Services Manager.
Note: If you have special requests for room setup, visit the One Stop Desk (level 3, Price Center East) or call (858) 534-7666 to amend your room reservation.
For lecture halls
You can use standard audiovisual equipment located in classroom space at no cost. This includes:
- Computer/ video projector
- Video and audio deck
- Wireless microphone
- PA systems
- Screen
- Remote control
Amplified sound
You can use sound amplification equipment outdoors only, with prior approval, in areas designated in the UCSD Policies and Procedures Manual, PPM 510-1,IX.
CSI: Student Orgs & Events
Have a Student Organization Related Question and Need a Quick Answer?
Your student organization advisors & the SILCs are here to help!CSI Student Organization Advisors
Your student organization advisors & the SILCs are here to help!
CSI Student Organization Advisors
Drop-in Advising Weeks 1-10 Each Quarter
Virtual Advising - Zoom Room for virtual advising:https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/97519967026 (Meeting ID: 975 1996 7026)
- Mondays 9am-12pm (virtual)
- Tuesdays 1-4pm (in-person)*
- Wednesdays 1pm-4pm (virtual)
- Thursdays 1pm-4pm (virtual)
*Tuesdays are the only in-person advising day
In-Person Advising* - Check-in at the CSI Front Desk, Price Center East, level 3 (map)
- Tuesdays 1-4pm
Visit the CSI Front Desk:
Price Center East, level 3 (map) | 858-534-1744 | csifrontdesk@ucsd.edu
Virtual Assistance from SILCs
Zoom Room for virtual advising: https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/97519967026 (Meeting ID: 975 1996 7026)
- Dates & times coming soon
In-Person Assistance from SILCs*
Located on Price Center East, level 3 (map) | 858-534-1744
- Dates & times coming soon
Interested in making a reservation for a University Centers space? Check out their website for more information: University Centers Reservations
Follow @getinvolveducsd!