Safety, Security, and Insurance at Student Events
As you plan your event, be aware that you are required to make the appropriate insurance arrangements to plan a safe and secure event.
Safety and Security
The university strives to maintain a safe environment for all of its students, staff, faculty, affiliates, and guests. Student organization events must be considered for security as needed and approved by the facility manager or an authorized university official.
Many factors should be considered in determining your event's security needs, including:
- Type of facility
- Size of expected audience
- Past history of event or sponsor
- Cash handling/ box office services involved
- Serving of alcohol
- Potential to draw disruptive opposition to event
- Sponsor's request for specific admission parameters (such as members only, ID required, dress code enforced, etc.)
Student Life works with the UC San Diego Police Department and approved security companies that are familiar with the UC San Diego campus. Events submitted on TAP are reviewed for security on a case-by-case basis, consistent with the Major Events Protocol. The reasonableness of a proposed security plan will be assessed without regard of the viewpoint of the non-University sponsor or any speaker or performers at a proposed event.
Your student organizations advisor and the facility manager will work with you to determine security needs.
On-campus event insurance coverage
The University of California has purchased an insurance program to cover Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) for most on-campus events. The university pays for the insurance costs for covered events by Mercer CampusConnexions, but RSOs are still responsible for making sure their on-campus event is registered with the insurance carrier.
- Visit the RSO Event Liability website and click on the On-Campus Events tab for more information.
Determining if you need liability insurance for your registered student organization event is easy to check off your list! Mercer Consumer, a service of Mercer Health & Benefits Administration LLC* (“Mercer Consumer”) the University’s broker, can help you.
If you're holding on-campus events, simply
- Log on to TAP or
- If your event is listed as having automatic coverage, no further action is needed.
- If your event is not covered automatically:
- Complete the quick 2-minute online application process.
- Print your Certificate of Insurance (for immediate proof of coverage) and you’re done.
- The University will pay for your coverage (if approved).
- If your event still does not qualify for coverage, contact us at 1-866-839-9536.
Previously, student organization events and activities held on campus were not covered by the University of California's own insurance programs. This posed a problem for both students and the university because:
- The students had to rely on personal or family financial resources to defend a claim or lawsuit arising out of their activities.
- The university had no financial recourse when its property was damaged by student activities or when it received a claim or lawsuit arising from student activities.
General safety and risk management
General safety and risk management tips can be found on the University's Special Events Safety Checklist Tool (PDF). Use this form to inspect your special event facilities. Save time and expenses by identifying and correcting deficiencies so the general safety specialist or deputy Fire Marshal only needs to inspect your facility once. The answer to each question should be Yes, No, or N/A. If you're uncertain how to answer a question or need additional explanation, please contact EH&S at
Event participation waivers
Do you need waivers?
Event participants must sign a waiver if:
- Participants are under the age of 18 (for any on-campus event).
- Your event type is one that requires waivers. Please review the UC Hazard Class Chart (PDF) to determine whether your event requires participant waivers.
Event participants can sign the waivers electronically using the Ewaivers system . Student organizations may create and store electronic waivers online through the website.
Get signatures
Ensure that all event participants sign the waiver using one of the following options:
- Publicize the QR code generated by on your event publicity or invitations.
- Publicize the unique website generated by on your event publicity or invitations.
- Provide paper versions using the PDF available at If you do not utilize the online Ewaiver tool, organization presidents must keep all waivers for at least three (3) years to meet the statute of limitations.
Day of event
On the day of the event, check that all participants have signed a waiver.
Visit to view a list of participants who have signed the waiver electronically. You may choose to have a laptop, smart phone, or other device available for event participants who have not yet signed the waivers. You may also print paper versions of the waiver on the day of the event.
Vendor insurance
A current Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Regents of the University of California as 'Additional Insured' for no less than $1,000,000 coverage is required of all off-campus catering vendors, in addition to other vendors as specified by the University.
In addition, if a vehicle will be used by the vendor in order to transport or provide a service on University property, automobile liability insurance must also be included in the coverage.
The Certificate Holder must be named as:
The Regents of the University of California
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093
The Certificate of Liability Insurance must be turned in to your CSI advisor or event facility manager at least 14 days prior to the event date. See a sample Certificate of Liability form (PDF).
Off-campus event insurance coverage
The University of California does not purchase liability insurance for the off-campus activities of student organizations but strongly recommends RSOs purchase liability insurance for these events.
Without this insurance, your personal or family financial resources could be affected by a claim or lawsuit. This has occurred at other UC campuses. Visit the RSO Event Liability website and click on the Off-Campus Events tab for more information.
CSI: Student Orgs & Events
Have a Student Organization Related Question and Need a Quick Answer?
Your student organization advisors & the SILCs are here to help!CSI Student Organization Advisors
Your student organization advisors & the SILCs are here to help!
CSI Student Organization Advisors
Drop-in Advising Weeks 1-10 Each Quarter
Virtual Advising - Zoom Room for virtual advising: (Meeting ID: 975 1996 7026)
- Mondays 9am-12pm (virtual)
- Tuesdays 1-4pm (in-person)*
- Wednesdays 1pm-4pm (virtual)
- Thursdays 1pm-4pm (virtual)
*Tuesdays are the only in-person advising day
In-Person Advising* - Check-in at the CSI Front Desk, Price Center East, level 3 (map)
- Tuesdays 1-4pm
Visit the CSI Front Desk:
Price Center East, level 3 (map) | 858-534-1744 |
Virtual Assistance from SILCs
Zoom Room for virtual advising: (Meeting ID: 975 1996 7026)
- Dates & times coming soon
In-Person Assistance from SILCs*
Located on Price Center East, level 3 (map) | 858-534-1744
- Dates & times coming soon
Interested in making a reservation for a University Centers space? Check out their website for more information: University Centers Reservations
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