Alternative Breaks
- Alternative Breaks
Alternative Breaks are national or international service and learning trips that use education of social justice issues combined with quality direct service to have a lasting impact on students and the communities in which they work.
Alternative Breaks is open to all UC San Diego students. No prior Alternative Breaks, travel, or service experience is required. The most important requirements are an open mind, an open heart, and a sincere desire to learn and work together with others to help create social change.
Each trip incorporates 8 components of a quality alternative break, which include Strong Direct Service, Orientation, Education, Training, Reflection, Reorientation, Diversity, and Full Engagement.
Alternative Breaks is a year long program where participants meet weekly to learn about their trip’s social justice issue and the community they are working with, discuss logistics, engage in training and reflection activities, and coordinate fundraising.
Complete the Interest Form!
The Alternative Breaks program is open to all eligible students. The Alternative Breaks program does not consider race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories as part of the application and selection process.
Learn more about why you should participate in alternative breaks!
Learn more about all of the various trips that alternative breaks has to offer which includes getting involved into local efforts, serving the community, and reflecting on your experiences.
Learn more about the individuals in charge of the alternative breaks program and the various trips that AB has to offer!
Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about alternative breaks!
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.
More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here
CSI Office Hours
Contact Community Service staff members
Location: Price Center East, level 3 (map)
Mailing Address: 9500 Gilman Drive #0078
La Jolla, CA 92093-0078